As the line seperating church and state becomes more blurred each day, this question is being raised more and more.
I offer some evidence:
The mainstream media's continued diversionary tactics focusing on the Pope's oncomming death instead of what is really important. What a lucky break they got, being able to move directly from Terri Schiavo to the Pope. You just know the religious right wingers are giddy with excitement over this.
Here's Reuters headline for today: "Pope Weakens as World Braces for His Death"
Did I miss something? He is after all just a man. I think that's a little extreme if you ask me.
Heck I read when he was younger he wanted to become an actor. Well, I guess being the Pope is like playing the lead role in the movie that is Catholocism.
Here is a bit of information you will never hear the media report:
Every Day the US government has to borrow roughly 1 Billion (yes with a B) dollars to keep running.
I think I will repeat that just so it sinks in: Every Day the US government has to borrow roughly 1 Billion (yes with a B) dollars to keep running.
Come on people, WAKE UP!
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